We remember those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur about this time including Vincenza Santos, Garry Twyford

We pray for those who are sick including, Claude Allas Leonardo Santilli, John Brian Ramsdale,  David Lively, Clyde Dias, Michael Bakker  Philomena Molloy, Elizabeth Ware, David Gudgeon  and Lyn Hardidge


 This weekend we welcome Jiraiya Ieremia and his parents Christine and Jeremy “Receive the light of Christ.  Parents and Godparents this light is entrusted to you to keep burning brightly” (Rite of Baptism). Next Baptism Prep is Sunday, Oct. 6th 2:45 pm in the library.


 We welcome Tanaya & Jasper Vella, Lincoln McDougall, Reid & Henry Killeen, Harrison Cook who were baptised last weekend and we thank Anna Raos & Marlene Scanlon who so beautifully prepared  and taught the children along their journey. 

Fr. Bruce Duncan C.Ss.R

We welcome Fr. Bruce Duncan C.Ss.R to our parish who will be broadening our understanding on our role in Social Justice. He has a doctorate in political science. He has taught at Yarra Theological Union in Box Hill in Melbourne since 1986, where he co-ordinates the program of social justice studies. He was a member of the Melbourne Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace from 1994 to 2007, and worked from 1999 to 2007 as a consultant with Catholic Social Services Victoria. He is also one of the founders of Social Policy Connections.

Happy 7th Birthday SHANAGOLDEN


There was a lovely rosary led by our little parishioners and their parents in front of the statue of our Lady last Saturday. They meet every 3rd Saturday of the month at 5:15 pm before mass. You are most welcome to join them.


October is traditionally referred to as the month of Our Lady of Rosary with Oct 7th being her feast day. Starting next Tuesday 1st Oct we will be having the rosary each evening at 7:00pm in the welcome room. If anyone is willing to lead an evening, we have a signup sheet in the foyer.


For the training session that took place at  St Michael’s in Berwick, Our parish was represented by Alfreda Vandayh, Denise Cervasio, Katrina Venn, Tresa Andrews, Rochelle Pereria, Ben Wiegerink, Damian Joseph Macatol, Sandie Downey and Siji Dominic.

There will be more training available in conducting the listening and discernment sessions for anyone interested to help out in our parish.


Monday 7th October 5.30-7.30 pm St Mary’s Bairnsdale

Tuesday 8 October 10.30 am-12.30 pm St Mary’s Pastoral Centre Bairnsdale

Tuesday 8 October 7.30 – 9.30 pm MacKillop Hall, St Michael’s Parish Traralgon

Tuesday 15 October 7.30 pm-9.30 pm Marian Room, St Joseph’s Parish, Warragul

Wednesday 16 October 7.00-9.00 pm St Joseph’s Primary School Hall, Wonthaggi


The next meeting of the council will be on Tuesday the 1st Oct at 7:30 pm in the parish library. All parishioners are welcome to raise matters of interest to put before the PPC.


A small group of people met on Wednesday night the 25th who had attended the diocesan assembly and together with their ideas have come up with some ways of things that can be implemented into our parish. This will be presented to the parish council. Updates to follow.


Required as soon as possible: Community Liaison Officer (to assist the Sudanese Community)2 – 3 days per week. Please apply to : principal@stppakenham.catholic.edu.au giving details of abilities and experience


Children attending noncatholic schools need to contact the parish office, Sessions to begin on the 9th of Oct.

Social Justice Sunday:

will be celebrated throughout the Church in Australia this Sunday. Source: ACBC Media Blog.

Earlier this month, Australia’s Catholic bishops launched a major social justice statement on digital communications, calling on all levels of society to overcome the hatred, division and exploitation that occurs online. The bishops say government, business and the broader community need to be more proactive in defending the dignity of people and all must work together to make the digital world a place of genuine human encounter.

This year’s Social Justice Statement, Making it Real: Genuine human encounter in our digital world, invites people to reflect on how the internet has changed the way they communicate, work, learn and do business – and how to contribute to a more just digital world.

Writing in the statement’s foreword, Bishop Terry Brady, the Bishop Delegate for Social Justice, said that while the digital world enabled people to be more connected than ever before, it could sadly also be a place of manipulation, exploitation and violence.

“We can choose how we behave online, and we can collectively shape the online world, building a more just and loving online neighbourhood,” Bishop Brady said.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that digital platforms require wise governance and that international cooperation is required to achieve this. The common good requires intervention rather than leaving digital platforms to govern themselves.”

The Social Justice Statement notes that Pope Francis has often spoken of the great potential for “genuine human encounter” online, but he has also warned of elements of the digital world that are harmful: information overload, social isolation, marginalisation of the vulnerable, consumerism and fake news.

“Far too often, the digital world has become a place of hatred. Digital technologies, especially social media, provide a perfect platform for a range of behaviours that are offensive to human dignity,” Bishop Brady said.

“This is our digital common home, and the principles we find in Catholic Social Teaching and the words of Pope Francis can help guide us to a more just digital space.”

Details: www.socialjustice.catholic.org.au


R C I A:

Parish warmly invites anyone interested in discovering more about the Catholic faith to attend our meetings on Wednesday evenings at  7.30pm beginning 9th October 2019.


The Evangelisation team is planning to organise Bible study groups for 2019. The following are          recommendations from the previous sessions:-

Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, which includes 20, 50-minute video presentations.

Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother, an extraordinary 8 week study that reveals Mary’s unique role in God’s Kingdom and in our lives.

Galatians: Set Free to Live, which includes eight, 50-minute video presentations.

Sign in sheets are in the foyer, please write in your preferences. For more information call Tresa Andrews 0421931888 or email tresaandrews@gmail.com/Visit Ascension The faith formation leader- at https://ascensionpress.com/pages/bible-studies.


(ACN) is hosting a prayer campaign on 18 October titled: “One Million Children Praying the Rosary.” The prayer initiative invites teachers, priests, parents and grandparents to pray the rosary together with children for peace and unity around the world. If you would like to participate, information and resources can be found online at: www.millionkidspraying.org.


A talk by Fr Noel Connolly  on the 17th October at 7:00 pm at Sacred Heart school hall, Morwell( Crn of Wilson Street and Commercial Road) Entry is Gold Coin Donation.RSVP by 12th October for catering purposes to: mwellcathpar@netspace.net.au.


to be held in March 2020 is asking for people to start potting up plants and if there are spare pots at home to drop them into Room D9 and leave on the verandah in preparation for the Garden Stall at the fete next year.


Our conference is struggling for helpers.on our deliveries each day  If you are interested in helping could you contact Chris on 0414 432256. Please note children cannot accompany you when on call outs


Paddy’s Kitchen

Next meal and companionship is Oct 6th  Doors open 5:30 pm  for a 6:00 pm meal  Please feel welcome to come and enjoy a 2 course hot meal if you are struggling in this cold weather or finding it hard to make  ends meet, or maybe just in need of some company. Our team leader for this week is Sue  If you would like to make a much appreciated dessert please call or email Suie on 0409202903 or aussiebobcathire@bigpond.com .

LAMP YOUTH FESTIVAL- FAITH GREATER THAN FEAR – ‘Don’t be afraid, Only believe’ Mark 5:36.

An exciting event for all youth aged 12-25 years!  Come along to a day filled with fun & games, music, drama, inspiring talks and testimonies, reflection and prayer!

Hosted by St Thomas the Apostle Parish, Clyde

Where: St Peter’s College, Clyde Nth Campus.  55 MacKillop Way, Clyde Nth

When: Saturday 5th October Registrations open 8.30 am and the day concludes at 4.00pm

Cost: $5 (Lunch and afternoon tea included)

Don’t miss out on this chance to celebrate and have fun with youth from all across the Diocese!

Go to  https://thelampwrsale.wixsite.com/home to register


A lovely group of mothers continue to meet every Thursday, sharing their faith, experiences and supporting each other whilst praying together. If you would like this group to pray for your children please drop in a prayer request in the mother’s prayers box in the foyer. If you would like to form a group please contact Siji through the parish office.



Interested people  contact Auxilia   0405844557


4/10  T & N Andrews  11/10 K Venn & H Aurisch


29/9 No childrens Liturgy   6/10 T Ridgeway & Volunteer


29/9 Larni Tan  6/10 Seneta





A.Rajesh  A.Ross

T & F O’Gorman,  M.Roche, R. Joseph,  T.Reimert


P. Velten  D.Rowlands

M.Dineen , J.Schalks,  J.White,  C. Martin,  G. Thompson 


A & J Arul

D & J  Estrada ,  C. Faamausili ,  B.Kollaris  J. Mozina






C George

J Colvin

S Dominic M Burhop G Wright K Symons

H Pereira


P Fernando

C Fernando

M O’Brien H & R Francis C McCowan

N Ward


R Pereira

M Byers

M Hobbin R Lappin C Mayer I Merrigan

R O’Brien


FINANCE MATTERS26th   Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last week:  PG  $ 1516.10  Loose  $709.05  House   $784.15

This week:  PG  $1720.00   Loose  $781.45  House   $707.70

“The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried”

Luke 16: 22







We remember those who have died recently including Anna Boon and those whose anniversaries occur about this time including Consorcia Coroza Mercado

We pray for those who are sick including, Brian Ramsdale,  David Lively, Clyde Dias, Michael Bakker  Philomena Molloy, Elizabeth Ware, David Gudgeon  and Lyn Hardidge


“Receive the light of Christ.  Parents and Godparents this light is entrusted to you to keep burning brightly” (Rite of Baptism). Next Baptism Prep is Sunday, Oct. 6th 2.45pm in the library.


This  weekend  September  14/15th

Students from St Francis Xavier College will speak at all masses about the work we as parishioners are helping support at this centre. There will be a leaving collection at all masses and we ask for your generous support to this cause.



The Evangelisation team is planning to organise Bible study groups for 2019. The following are recommendations from the previous sessions:-

Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, which includes 20, 50-minute video presentations.

Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother, an extraordinary 8-week study that reveals Mary’s unique role in God’s Kingdom and in our lives.

Galatians: Set Free to Live, which includes eight, 50-minute video presentations.

Sign-in sheets are in the foyer, please write in your preferences. For more information call Tresa Andrews 0421931888 or email tresaandrews@gmail.com/Visit Ascension The faith formation leader- at https://ascensionpress.com/pages/bible-studies


Help us fight Breast Cancer. $25 for the day includes morning tea, lunch, lucky door prizes and “make and take” from paper crafters. Bring some extra money for raffles and your craft supplies and expect to have a great day.  Saturday 21st September in St Patrick’s Parish Hall. More info contact Marie 59401196.


By Dr John D’Arcy May: Religiously fuelled violence is afflicting many countries, just as important democracies are threatened by rising nationalist movements and populism. How can world religions work together to oppose the misuse of religion to justify violence? In his new book, Pluralism & Peace: The Religions in Global Civil Society, he explores how the great traditions of Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, along with the various religious traditions in the Pacific Islands, can forge societies of mutual respect and tolerance to advance the wellbeing of everyone. Born in Melbourne, Dr May has a distinguished academic career, which includes teaching at the Catholic Ecumenical Institute at the University of Münster, and undertaking the role of Ecumenical Research Officer with the Melanesian Council of Churches in PNG. He became Director of the Irish School of Ecumenics at Trinity College Dublin, later becoming Associate Professor of Interfaith Dialogue. Come listen to him at Yarra Theological Union Study Centre on 17th September from 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm 34 Bedford St, Box Hill, Free Public Seminar, Free Parking, donations welcome


At a time when living Christian family life can feel like swimming against the tide, Alight is an event that will strengthen everyone – especially parents – to be renewed in their mission. Fr Leo Patalinghug, a priest and chef, will serve up a creative presentation of faith and food that will have the whole family wanting more. Rides, food and live music will help to make this a joyful celebration for the whole family! To register or for more info, look for the Alight flyers in your parish or visit www.cam.org.au/alight19


Coming up on the 26th of October in our parish with Maria Forde – Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks. If you could help in organizing, please contact the parish office.


to be held in March 2020 is asking for people to start potting up plants and if there are spare pots at home to drop them into Room D9 and leave on the verandah in preparation for the Garden Stall at the fete next year.


   Summarised from Vatican news by By Lydia O’Kane

Pope Francis invites the faithful to pray, reflect and act to protect an endangered environment in a message released to mark the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Taking inspiration from the Book of Genesis, Pope Francis describes God’s gaze as “resting lovingly on his creation”. But he goes on to say that, “tragically, the human response to this gift has been marked by sin, selfishness and a greedy desire to possess and exploit.” “Egoism and self-interest”, he says, “have turned creation, a place of encounter and sharing, into an arena of competition and conflict.  In this way, the environment itself is endangered”.

In his message the Pontiff points to constant pollution, the continued use of fossil fuels, intensive agricultural exploitation and deforestation, which he says, “are causing global temperatures to rise above safe levels.” The Pope also notes the increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather phenomena and the desertification of the soil, which, he adds, “are causing immense hardship for the most vulnerable among us.”  Pope Francis continues by saying that “melting of glaciers, scarcity of water, neglect of water basins and the considerable presence of plastic and microplastics in the oceans are equally troubling, and testify to the urgent need for interventions that can no longer be postponed.” 

In the message, the Pope urges the faithful to undertake prophetic actions.  “Many young people all over the world are making their voices heard and calling for courageous decisions”, he comments. 

Pope Francis stresses that, “we owe them real answers, not empty words, actions not illusions.” Concluding his message, the Pope mentions two major events that will take place over the coming months:  The United Nations Climate Action Summit and next month’s, Synod on the Amazon region, “Let us take up these opportunities to respond to the cry of the poor and of our earth”, he says.

Summarised from the Vatican News. For the full article go to https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-09/pope-s-appeal-to-pray-reflect-and-act-to-safeguard-creation.html


On the 18th of October Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is inviting children worldwide to take part in the campaign “One Million Children Praying the Rosary.” For more information and for prayer resources visit,  www.millionkidspraying.org.


Come and See, where God may be calling you to serve! You may be drawn to ministries available in your parish or a vocation of service as a catechist, missionary, priest or religious. Be inspired by this day of guest speakers, including Fr Michael Willemsen, Fr Robin Koning SJ & Sr Rachel McLoughlin IBVM to be held at St Agatha’s Primary School Hall on Saturday 21st September, beginning with Mass in the Church at 9.30am. Sausage Sizzle and Refreshments will be available by donation and the day will conclude at 4:00pm. For bookings go to https://www.trybooking.com/BECJR or contact 5996 1985


Our conference is struggling for helpers.on our deliveries each day  If you are interested in helping could you contact Chris on 0414 432256. Please note children cannot accompany you when on call outs.


Still two places left on an enlightening journey Travelling Nov16-29 Enquire via email palms@palms.org.au or call 029560 5333.



Next meal and companionship is Sept 15th Doors open 5:30 pm  for a 6:00 pm meal  Please feel welcome to come and enjoy a 2 course hot meal if you are struggling in this cold weather or finding it hard to make  ends meet, or maybe just in need of some company. Our team leader for this week is Herbie   If you would like to make a much appreciated dessert please call Herbie 0419223631


If you have any change in your details, like phone number or address, pls contact parish office and update them.


‘Don’t be afraid, Only believe’ Mark 5:36. An exciting event for all youth aged 12-25 years!  Come along to a day filled with fun & games, music, drama, inspiring talks and testimonies, reflection and prayer!

Hosted by St Thomas the Apostle Parish, Clyde Nth.

Where: St Peter’s College, Clyde Nth Campus.  55 MacKillop Way, Clyde Nth

When: Saturday 5th October Registrations open 8.30am and day concludes at 4.00pm

Cost: $5 (Lunch and afternoon tea included)

Don’t miss out on this chance to celebrate and have fun with youth from all across the Diocese!

Go to  https://thelampwrsale.wixsite.com/home to register


is on the 30th October. Children attending non catholic schools need to contact Siji /visit our website. Preparation sessions will begin Oct 2nd 2019.


Vinnies Pakenham will be operational on Sundays (10am-4pm). We are looking for volunteers on Sundays aged 16+.Contact @ 59417982 for details.


If you are interested in joining please contact Auxilia at 0405844557


20/9 W Wong M Sashanami, 27/9 Menaka Mendiz and family


15th N Boloski L Roberts C Smith, 22nd F.DeBona & A,Jayawardena


15/9 M Welliwatte, 22/9 T.Ridgeway






T Ridgeway

L Patton

L Garvey W & B Vail R Gunting A Tanner


G Thompson

H Francis

C McCowan P Carlin D Rowlands

P Maxfield B Barker


L O’Flynn

J Obsioma

A Parma M Pauguy P Setu W Wong

P SweeFan 






G.Bonigala J.Ross

T& N Andrews P Pereira S.Dominic H.Judd


M.Scanlon M O’Brien

G.Prestt N Boloski S.Leo R & A Jayawardena


A.Raos J.Estrada

U.Tiberi, A.Vanday, M.Welliwatte, C.Faamausili, A.Stowers



24th   Sunday in Ordinary Time

Last week:  PG  $1488.70  Loose   $795.85  House  $705.90

This week:  PG  $ 1647.00 Loose   $660.25  House  $740.00

“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance”. Luke 15:7

And even as intimate and loving as the Good Shepherd metaphor is, Jesus is clear about our freedom to choose between life in Him and the path which draws us away. None of us is coerced into the flock. We are not God’s victims. We know and hear the voice of the one who loves us most and are drawn to him, and can make a return every time we stray.




Parish Weekly Bulletin: 2nd Sunday of Advent – 10 December 2017

Parish Weekly Bulletin: 2nd Sunday of Advent – 10 December 2017

We remember those who have died recently including Matt Cunningham and those whose anniversaries occur about this time including Mary Hosking, Margaret Downs & Cynthia Scott  Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, let your perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.   

We pray for those who are sick including David Gudgeon, Angel Tan, Calvin Furnell, Richard Pereira, Val Battams Tom Cervasio, Marie Stephen We pray for all who care for the sick and worry about them. May their works of service be richly blessed.  (Names can only be placed on this list by the sick person or a family member)


This weekend we welcome Chan Ngeu, Siluna & Rivina Balasooriya for Baptism. “Receive the light of Christ. Parents and Godparents this light is entrusted to you to keep burning brightly” (Rite of Baptism). The next Baptism Preparation session is January 7th, 2018  at  2.45pm                                                                                                       

Click here to view the standard Bulletin (PDF).


The future cannot be ‘business as usual’ says Francis Sullivan, director of the church’s Truth, Justice and Healing Council, set up to guide the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Sexual Abuse. Sullivan spoke at a plenary session of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference meeting in Sydney last week.

He writes that it was “little surprise that the main topic was the forthcoming release of the Royal Commission’s final report. Rumour has it that the report will be many volumes long and some will exclusively deal with the Catholic Church. Again, no surprises there.

Our Council was charged to operate for the ‘life of the Royal Commission’. That time is rapidly running out. As part of our advisory role we will provide the church leadership with our own take on what these last five years have revealed and what the implications for the Church are contained within the Commission’s findings and recommendations.

Even before the report is released the bishops and religious leaders must commit to a future that is not characterised by a ‘business as usual’ mentality. They cannot fall prey to those reactionary interests within and without the Church who jump at any shadow and too quickly cast any public criticism of the Church as yet another shot across the bow of religious freedom.

It is all too convenient for those seeking to defend the institution to play out soundly based criticisms in political and sectarian terms. The Church leadership must be strong about this. They cannot yet again seek to bolster the image and reputation of the Church by ‘circling the wagons’ and being selective about what they will or won’t implement of the Commission’s findings.

The damaged credibility of the Church because of the abuse scandal affects all Catholics. Some have remained resolutely loyal and passionately observant. Others have wavered and wondered about what the scandal means and how the Church will ever recover. Others have drifted away, silently, with regret, even sadness. Still others live in hope that this scandal will enliven the Spirit within the Church to engender reforms and transformation akin to the times of the Second Vatican Council.

This is far from an extreme position. Put bluntly, the Church has been revealed for all its hypocrisy and self-interest. It has let down not only those abused within its ranks but it has scandalised the faithful and those who rely on it as a moral compass and prudent guide. It has brought itself to a point where serious discernment and spiritual renewal are essential. Episcopal authority must lead this.

For those invested in the forthcoming 2020 Plenary Council and synodal processes only genuine renewal, even rebirth, can be the goal. Let’s hope that the bishops come out of their Sydney meetings setting a course that will deeply resonate with all of us who still hold out hope that being Church in this post-modern time is not only a relevant option but also enlivening one. 


Calling all men in the parish for prayer, reflection, songs, praise, fellowship, and breakfast! Please come and join us and be with men wanting to bring about a difference in their own life, their family, and the lives of the wider community. Cost: $5 pp.  When: 16th December (Saturday) 8 – 10 am, Where: Parish Hall. For more information and RSVP by 14th December, contact Dominic (0425 742 254) or Patrick (0427 682 20


Following on from the recent Men Alive weekend, a group of dads has started to get together in the Parish Centre on Saturday mornings @ 8am for an hour of prayer,  reflection, praise, and fellowship together. Why not consider joining them as a way to prepare for Advent? Simply turn up on Saturday @ 8am or contact Patrick (0427 682 208) for more information. 


The Sunday morning masses on Christmas Eve, would usually be at both 9:00am and 10:30am. However, with the Christmas Masses this year starting at 6:00pm Sunday evening, the thought was we’d combine the two Sunday morning masses into one, to be celebrated at 9:30am, the same time as Christmas morning mass. The weekend Masses therefore will be: Saturday vigil mass at 6:00pm and Sunday morning Mass at 9:30am.


The Masses to celebrate Christmas will be on Christmas Eve at 6:00pm, 8:00pm and Midnight; and on Christmas Day at 9:30am


Christmas time is fast approaching, and we are preparing for our Christmas hampers If you would prefer to give a cash donation, there will be envelopes on the table or under the tree and you can place your donation in the poor box on the Sacristy wall.  Thank you for your ongoing Support.


This book focuses on daily prayers and meditations, developed by the Irish Jesuits. It can now be ordered through the Gift Shop or Parish Office $26.00. Also the Daily Prayer 2018, which focus on scripture for each day of the year, along with a psalm, a reflection and closing prayer .$27.00


YTU is a  welcoming community for theological education offering undergraduate and postgraduate awards. NEW Students are welcome. Morning classes and/or Evening classes are offered. 98 Albion Road, Box Hill, 3128. Ring Nicole or Katherine to make an appointment 9890 3771. Fee help is available, free parking, Classes start 26th February 2018.  www.ytu.edu.au for more information.


Children need to have a voice when it comes to child safety and this is often overlooked. They need to feel empowered and have a platform to speak out confidently if something is not right or does not feel right. (Australian Catholics May 2017)


The New Rosters for the Eucharistic Ministers and Readers are due on the 17th of Dec, If you would like to volunteer for any of the ministries or if there is any change to your existing availability, please send Siji an email @ siji@stpatrickspakenham.com.au or to the parish office by the 5th of Dec. Thank you for your time.

Advent season Volunteers: While thanking all our volunteers who contribute in various ways, we are looking for a lot of helpers in various areas for the month of December . If you have the time and or the talent and would be glad to share it, please contact Siji at the parish office or at siji@stpatrickspakenham.com.au  

Parish Weekly Bulletin: 1st Sunday of Advent – 3 December 2017

Parish Weekly Bulletin: 1st Sunday of Advent – 3 December 2017

We remember those who have died recently including Barry Rowe and those whose anniversaries occur about this time including Lou Vogels  Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, let your perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

We pray for those who are sick including David Gudgeon, Angel Tan, Calvin Furnell, Richard Pereira, Val Battams Matt Cunningham, Tom Cervasio, Marie Stephen We pray for all who care for the sick and worry about them. May their works of service be richly blessed.  (Names can only be placed on this list by the sick person or a family member)

BAPTISMS: This weekend we welcome Sienna Pettit, Zharlien Riego, Manavah Nicholas & Louis Vaka for Baptism. “Receive the light of Christ. Parents and Godparents this light is entrusted to you to keep burning brightly” (Rite of Baptism). The next Baptism Preparation session is this afternoon at  2.45pm. 

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Christmas time is fast approaching, and we are preparing for our Christmas hampers.  Our tree is now in the foyer, if you can help out with a donation of food or a gift for the children, please take a tag from the tree and return your donation the following week.  We ask that you do not wrap the gifts please.  If you would prefer to give a cash donation, there will be envelopes on the table or under the tree and you can place your donation in the poor box on the Sacristy wall.  Thank you for your ongoing Support.

Click here to view the standard Bulletin (PDF).

“GRANDFATHER” POPE URGES MYANMAR’S YOUNG TO LOVE AND SERVE: Before ending his visit to Myanmar, Pope Francis turned to the nation’s young Catholics, urging them to pursue lives of faith, hope and love. Celebrating Mass in Yangon’s St. Mary’s Cathedral, the pope asked the young to serve their tiny church and their struggling nation with prayer, solidarity and a defense of human rights.

The cathedral was packed full of teenagers and young adults, many of whom were wearing traditional outfits. Despite their numbers, the atmosphere was hushed except for the chirping of birds in the trees outside the open windows. Thousands of young people also filled the gardens surrounding the cathedral, hoping for a close-up encounter with the pope.

In his homily, Pope Francis, whose 81st birthday was less than three weeks away, said he wanted to speak to the young as a grandfather. The Bible, he told them, “asks us to think about our place in God’s plan” and to proclaim God’s love and mercy. “As messengers of this good news, you are ready to bring a word of hope to the church, to your own country, and to the wider world.” he said. “You are ready to bring good news to your suffering brothers and sisters who need your prayers and your solidarity, but also your enthusiasm for human rights, for justice and for the growth of that love and peace which Jesus brings.”

Pope Francis’ grandfatherly advice to them was to find a place away from the noise and distractions of modern life where they could learn to listen to God in prayer. And he encouraged them to rely on the help of the saints, who were men and women who made mistakes but learned to trust in God’s mercy. “You know that Jesus is full of mercy,” the pope told the young people. “So share with him all that you hold in your hearts: your fears and your worries, as well as your dreams and your hopes.

“Cultivate your interior life, as you would tend a garden or a field,” the pope continued. “This takes time; it takes patience. But like a farmer who waits for the crops to grow, if you wait the Lord will make you bear much fruit, a fruit you can then share with others.” Finally, Pope Francis told them, be young and be bold. “Do not be afraid to make a ruckus, to ask questions that make people think,” he said. “And don’t worry if sometimes you feel that you are few and far between. The Gospel always grows from small beginnings. So make yourselves heard.”

CALLING ALL DADS WITH YOUNG(ISH) FAMILIES: Following on from the recent Men Alive weekend, a group of dads has started to get together in the Parish Centre on Saturday mornings @ 8am for an hour of prayer,  reflection, praise, and fellowship together. Why not consider joining them as a way to prepare for Advent? Simply turn up on Saturday @ 8am or contact Patrick (0427 682 208) for more information. 

CHANGE OF MASS TIME ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24TH: The Sunday morning masses on Christmas Eve, would usually be at both 9:00am and 10:30am. However, with the Christmas Masses this year starting at 6:00pm Sunday evening, the thought was we’d combine the two Sunday morning masses into one, to be celebrated at 9:30am, the same time as Christmas morning mass. The weekend Masses therefore will be: Saturday vigil mass at 6:00pm and Sunday morning Mass at 9:30am.

CHRISTMAS MASS TIMES: The Masses to celebrate Christmas will be on Christmas Eve at 6:00pm, 8:00pm and Midnight; and on Christmas Day at 9:30am.

THE CRIB?: At the liturgy committee meeting, on Thursday night, people were wondering if any parishioner knows the whereabouts of the parish’s nativity scene from some years ago, including kings and shepherds etc. Any ideas anyone?

COPIES OF SACRED SPACE 2018: This book focuses on daily prayers and meditations, developed by the Irish Jesuits. It can now be ordered through the Gift Shop or Parish Office $26.00. Also the Daily Prayer 2018, which focus on scripture for each day of the year, along with a psalm, a reflection and closing prayer .$27.00

STUDY AT YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION IN 2018: YTU is a  welcoming community for theological education offering undergraduate and postgraduate awards. NEW Students are welcome. Morning classes and/or Evening classes are offered. 98 Albion Road, Box Hill, 3128. Ring Nicole or Katherine to make an appointment 9890 3771. Fee help is available, free parking, Classes start 26th February 2018.  www.ytu.edu.au for more information.

FROM OUR SAFETY OFFICER FOR CHILDREN AND VULNERABLE ADULTS: Children need to have a voice when it comes to child safety and this is often overlooked. They need to feel empowered and have a platform to speak out confidently if something is not right or does not feel right. (Australian Catholics May 2017)

ROSTERS: The new rosters for the Eucharistic Ministers and Readers are due on the 17th of Dec, If you would like to volunteer for any of the ministries or if there is any change to your existing availability, please send Siji an email @ siji@stpatrickspakenham.com.au or to the parish office by the 5th of Dec. Thank you for your time.

Advent season Volunteers: While thanking all our volunteers who contribute in various ways, we are looking for a lot of helpers in various areas for the month of December . If you have the time and or the talent and would be glad to share it, please contact Siji at the parish office or at siji@stpatrickspakenham.com.au  


Please pick up your new cleaning roster from the table in the foyer.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY: This week   : D Golja J Schalks J White  

Next Week:  D & G Velten

ROSARY STATUE:  3/12 Siji Dominic  10/12 M Welliwatte

ROSARY BEADS: If anyone has found a pair of rosary beads with the name Resuggan on them could they please hand them in to Father, any member of parish staff or  leave them with Mary at the Parish office.  

ST CLARE’S FAMILY NIGHT: Due to the inclement weather on Friday this night has now been rescheduled to December 18th.

Raffles will be drawn on this night.



Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus

You are the Way the Truth and Life

Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus

You are the Way the Truth and Life


Today as we light the first of the candles,

we think again of God’s endless love for us,

symbolized in this circle of greenery.

The candles of the wreath

signify how God’s love

has been manifested in time,

and will be manifest forever.


Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus

You are the Way the Truth and Life

Come, Lord Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus

You are the Way the Truth and Life

CHRISTMAS CHOIR PRACTICE FOR MIDNIGHT MASS:  Practice times are Dec 7th Dec 13th and Dec 19th at 7:30 pm .Those who would like to join  are most welcome as we prepare for Christmas. What a joyful activity the Christmas Choir  is. Please consider joining in.

YOUTH CHRISTMAS MASS CHOIR PRACTICE: All Children 10 years and above are encouraged to come for the choir practice on  Friday 8th Dec and 15th Dec at 7:30 pm.

St Vincent De Paul – Christmas Hampers

Christmas time is fast approaching, and we are preparing for our Christmas hampers. 

Our tree is now in the foyer, if you can help out with a donation of food or a gift for the children, please take a tag from the tree and return your donation the following week.  We ask that you do not wrap the gifts please.  If you would prefer to give a cash donation, there will be envelopes on the table or under the tree and you can place your donation in the poor box on the Sacristy wall. 

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mass for All Souls

About 40 parishioners from St Pat’s, and local parishes, joined together for Mass at the rotunda of the Pakenham cemetery on a lovely November evening, last Wednesday.

After Mass people visited the graves of loved ones and old friends buried there. They prayed a blessing as well as sprinkling some holy water. All agreed it was a worthwhile and joyful celebration.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Children need to have a voice


Children need to have a voice when it comes to child safety and this is often overlooked. They need to feel empowered and have a platform to speak out confidently if something is not right or does not feel right. 

(Australian Catholics May 2017)

Christ the King – A reflection

Jesus Makes Surprising Connections. 

Many years ago I gave Communion to a guy at Mass I recently had served at a homeless shelter. And this hit me: he and I not only share the body of Christ, we also were part of the Body of Christ.

A homeless man and I, part of the same body. It really made me think – just like this week’s Gospel. Christ our king says we serve him when we serve the people considered least in our world. God’s Spirit lives in them. God’s Spirit also lives in us. Thus, the connection: we are all part of the same body, the Body of Christ.

The child starving in Africa. The kid without friends. The man begging on the street corner. The old woman alone. The prisoner serving a sentence. And you and I. All part of the same body. That means we have to change our thinking at times. When our stomachs hurt, we ask why. We might spend time and money for treatment. We rarely judge or ignore it. But we sometimes treat parts of our spiritual body – the Body of Christ – differently when they suffer. “I’m too busy to visit,” some might say as they pass a nursing home where so many suffer loneliness. “They shouldn’t have broken the law,” some might say about people in prison.

Our spiritual body stretches around the world. When parts of it suffer, let’s take the time to understand why and relieve the pain. The Body of Christ SERVES the Body of Christ to BECOME the Body of Christ.


What connections or similarities have you seen between yourself and people you’ve met who are hurting or in need?


St Patrick’s Parish Pakenham (the Parish) holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults as an absolutely necessary responsibility. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel (Diocese of Sale Commitment Statement).

Read more…Professional Standards for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

As staff and volunteers of St Patrick’s Parish, Pakenham you are expected to actively contribute to a parish culture that respects the dignity of its members and affirms the Gospel values of love, care for others, compassion and justice. You are required to have read and to observe the principles and expectations as set out in the Parish Policy for the Care, Protection and Safety of Children and the Pastoral Care of Vulnerable Adults as published on the Parish Web Site.

Read more…Acknowledgement: Obligations by Staff and Volunteers