
BE a sponsor
of our Church Renovation

We are here $305,230.04

Fundraising Goal
$1 Million

Our much awaited Church Renovation Project (February 2023) has begun and is anticipated to cost in the order of $3.8 million. After contributions from Parish funds, the “Be a Sponsor of Church Renovation” programme aims to provide extra funding for the Sacred Artwork that will adorn our new church as well as reducing the loan repayments to Catholic Development Fund and thereby reflecting our strong Parish Community.

How can I become a Sponsor?

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7

A Brick

$ 250
  • A Brick can be sponsored in your family name or in memory of a deceased family member.
  • You can sponsor a full brick by paying $250 at once or by $10 at a time via cash, automatic debit or tap and pay. The best way to contribute is to transfer the amount to our fundraising account: BSB: 083 879
    Account Number: 987028430

A Pew

$ 1,500
  • Pews can be sponsored as " Pray for .... family" / in memory of.."
  • There will be about 29 pews ( Project updated in February 2023) and you can sponsor your favourite pew by paying all at once or by automatic debit of $150 a month over 10 months. We wish to have more pews sponsored to cover the cost and if that is the case, we will place more plaques on a pew as the total cost of the pews is about $280,000. The best way to contribute is to transfer the amount to our fundraising account: BSB: 083 879
    Account Number: 987028430

Stations of the Cross

$ 4,000
  • There are 14 stations of the cross and you can sponsor a specific station by "pray for ...... family" or " in memory of ......"
  • You can sponsor a station at once or by automatic debit of $400 a month over 10 months. The best way to contribute is to transfer the amount to our fundraising account: BSB: 083 879
    Account Number: 987028430

Be a Gold Sponsor

$ 10,000
  • A Gold sponsor is a major contributor to the church renovation by sponsoring many of the items of Sacred Art in the Church which includes Lectern, Baptismal Font, Tabernacle, Stained Glass Window, Altar and Crucifix."
  • This can be sponsored by a person, family or a community over 10 months. The best way to contribute is to transfer the amount to our fundraising account: BSB: 083 879
    Account Number: 987028430


Names of all the Sponsors and Donors will be acknowledged in a Souvenir book that will be printed and distributed at the consecration of our new church. The names will also be acknowledged by placing them under the Altar.
“And they said, Let us raise up and build. So they strengthened their hands, for this good work."
Nehemiah 2:18

Marian Shrine