An umbrella organization of various Catholic Charismatic Communities, they share things in common:
It is a network of Parish based and trans-parochial communities following the Covenant Community Building System established by late Fr. Leonardo A. Polinar, PACEM. It comprises of over 200-covenanted communities in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, USA, and some parts of Europe and Scandinavian countries. These communities are guided and nourished by PACEM Priests and Seminarians as Shepherd, but communities operate independently and their ministries and services are in the Parish and diocese where they are based. Operating under the spiritual guidance of their respective Parish Priest.
MISSION and VISION: To establish, build up and develop “AN EVANGELIZING COMMUNITY OF LOVE”
Group commensed Prayer Meeting last April 23, 2020, inspite of the Lockdown using Video meetings on Zoom, Messenger and now Google Meet.
The Group meet every Thursday Evening from 7:00 PM to 9:00PM
- Starts with Holy Rosary & Divine Mercy at 7:00pm-7:30pm
- Then followed by Praise and Worship (entering the presence of God) an important part of the Prayer Meeting
- Short period of Petition/Intercession
- Activity each week can be: A Teaching or Sharing or Bible Reflection, etc.
- Fellowship
Experience the HOLY SPIRIT who opens us to a life-changing relationship with JESUS and the LOVE of the FATHER. Have a deep fellowship with the Lord and one another.
Jean Claude
0410 126 415
0416 551 874

First Year Anniversary celebrations