The Parish Playgroup Centre is busy every morning from 9am onwards.
Contact: Morwenna 5941 7315.
Parish Youth Group
The Youth Group meets every month and activities include workshops, sport and prayer. View Page.
Contact: Angharad Doran 5941 7315.
Social Group
Weekly exercises are held in the Parish Centre, Carpet Bowls held fortnightly on Friday mornings, monthly meetings, and several outings are planned for the year. Please see the parish notice board for further information.
Welcome Dinners
New parishioners are invited to a dinner, held at least once a year at the Parish Centre.
Contact: Kath Reimert 5941 7315.
International Food Lunch
International Food Lunch is to be held on Pentecost Sunday. More details will be on the Parish Bulletin closer to the date.
Contact: Parish Office 5941 7315.
St. Patrick’s Day
It is celebrated by at all masses on a weekend close to St. Patrick’s day, with details in the weekly bulletin.
Contact: Parish Office 5941 7315.
St. Patrick’s Fete
Held every 2 years – on the even years. A highly anticipated community social and fund raising event.
Contact: Simone 040 750 9370.
Funeral Catering
Volunteers needed/welcome to assist with after funeral ‘cuppas’.
Contact: Fr Bernard Buckley 5941 7315.
Parish Support Group
Volunteers needed/welcome for casseroles, visiting, odd jobs for short term help for anyone in need of a helping hand.
Contact: Mary 5941 7315 / 0409141965.