Plenary Discernment- Open to Conversion, Renewal and Reform

Message from Fr.Janeesh Jose

Dear Parishioners

There is an old saying that says “May you always live in Challenging Times”.  It is either seen as a blessing or a curse.  A blessing for all the opportunities it opens or a curse because of all the difficulties presented.  We are certainly living in challenging times.  What does the future hold for us and for our families?  Opportunities or difficulties, depending on our view of life.  Certainty, challenging times forces us to focus on preserving the important things in our lives.

However, as Easter People, we have a great advantage.  We have a loving God who will walk with us every step of our journey.

During this difficult time let God’s might uphold us, His wisdom guide us and His word speak to us.  Perhaps this time of silence will help us to hear God’s words more clearly.

As per the current regulations, we have closed our church and parish office till further notice. For emergency and sick calls please contact Presbytery: 5941 3874
Sunday Mass will continue to be live-streamed through this website. Please continue to visit our website for regular updates.

May our loving God, who is always with us on our journey, hold you safe in the palm of his loving hands.

Fr Janeesh Jose
Parish Priest

Mass Times

THURSDAY 29/109:30 am Mass
7.00 pm Rosary
FRIDAY30/109:30 am Mass
7.00 pm Rosary
SATURDAY31/107.00pm Rosary
SUNDAY1/1110:00 am Mass live streamed.
Monday 2/119.30 am Mass
TUESDAY3/116.00pm Mass
WEDNESDAY4/119:30 am Mass
Live Streamed
THURSDAY 5/119:30 am Mass
FRIDAY6/119:30 am Mass
SATURDAY7/116: 00 pm Mass
SUNDAY8/119.00 am Mass live streamed.
11.00 am Mass

Contact Info

   142 Princes Highway Pakenham
       VIC 3810 Australia

  +61 3 5941 7315

+61 3 5941 7316