mass times

Mass Times

For details on our mass times, please click here.

HOLY WEEK 2024 (Facebook Post) (1)

New Parishioners

To become part of our community please click here to register.

Weekly Bulletin

For all latest updates and Parish News, Check out our latest bulletin.

Church Renovation Fundraising

Click here to find out more about our much awaited Church Renovation Project.

Be Baptised in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Are you wishing to have a family member Baptised? Click here to register. Preparation classes will be held each month to prepare you for the Baptism.

Reconciliation -
Absolution of sin
First Holy Communion The Body and Blood of Christ

Please click on the link below for more information on the Sacraments preparation class dates and Parent Workshop dates

Confirmation 'Be sealed with the Holy Spirit' Amen

Please click on the link below for more information on the Confirmation preparation class dates and Parent Workshop dates

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

(Applications and expression of interests are now closed)

Please click on the link below for more information on the RCIA open day and preparation classes

Prayer Request

If you would like a Mass Intention celebrated for a death anniversary or special occasion, please contact the parish office on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday for a booking on 5941 7315. Mass Offerings can be dropped into the parish office or handed to the Priest. Any amount accepted (minimum contribution $10.00).  


Let us join in prayer for your intentions.  Please let us know who or what you would like us to pray for (eg. for the sick, the deceased, etc).  By clicking the “Click Here” button below.  If the request is for a sick person or a death anniversary it will be published in the weekly bulletin and Prayer of the Faithful. Requests must be submitted by Wednesday to be published in the upcoming bulletin. 

Your voice is important

Diocesan Consultation – Phase 2 completed:

Phase 2 of the 2024 Diocesan Consultation has been completed. We sincerely thank every one who chose to contribute to the consultation meetings or submitted their responses online. A significant number of suggestions have been submitted to the question of, ““What pastoral priorities and actions the Holy Spirit is calling us as individuals and parish communities to focus on during the next five years to give renewed life and purpose to our shared mission?” . The feedback is presently being compiled into a report that will be published in December.

 The 2025 Diocesan Assembly. - “Hearts filled with joy, confidence and immense gratitude”

On Friday 14th and Saturday 15th of February, 220 representatives from across the whole Diocese gathered at the Federation University Auditorium, Churchill. The two-day program engaged everyone in prayerful listening and spiritual conversations that acknowledged and affirmed the strengths and best practices of the Diocese, identified the significant challenges being faced, and discerned which pastoral priorities needed to be given priority to leverage the movement toward the Diocese becoming a more Christ-centred, synodal and missionary Church. The fruits of the two days were evident in the strong sense of communion, grace, positivity, and renewed hope expressed by the delegates. “My heart is filled with joy, confidence and immense gratitude”. “A wonderful two days filled with richness, faith and friendship beyond my expectations”. “The experience has given me hope that we will be moving in a direction to secure the future of the Church.” “Let’s walk in unity as a Diocese and bring these priorities to life through considered action.” At the closing Mass, Bishop Greg urged delegates to carry forward the spirit of the Assembly, stating, "We have stood on holy ground; now it is time to put our shoes back on and go forth as pilgrims of hope to others.” Bishop Greg, and the members of the Diocesan Mission Council now have the task of drafting a Diocesan Pastoral Plan based on the pastoral priorities identified at the assembly.

We are an

Would you like to be part of the team and help our parish become more ecologically aware and pro-active? 
If so please contact John F 

Every Saturday at 9:30 am there is Mass followed by rosary and adoration.

Mary’s Intercessory Prayer Group

Every Tuesday at 10.00 am followed by cuppa.

St Patrick's Servant Community invites you all to join in their praise and worship every Thursday from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm in the church.

RESPECT: To the Year 3 Children of St Pat's School

May is Domestic Violence Prevention Month.  In 2016 the Catholic Bishops of Victoria released a statement committing themselves to the elimination of domestic and family violence in which they say: 
Our goal must be a society where all people are safe in their home, families and close relationships; where violence and abuse are not acceptable; and where all relationships respect the equality and dignity of each person. This is part of the Gospel vision of love and respect. With domestic and family violence on the rise, we are all called to work in ways to eliminate this type of violence. 
The contents of this statement remain relevant as domestic and family violence incidents have increased since 2016.  This month, you are invited to read the Bishops 2016 statement to learn more about a Catholic response to Domestic and Family violence.

The four-year journey of the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia will reach the second – and final – assembly in July 2022. On June 1, the Framework for Motions document that will be considered at the second assembly was published. It contains 30 motions across eight mission areas that the 277 Members – clergy, religious and laity – will vote on this week.

"Keep us from becoming a 'museum church,' beautiful but mute, with much past and little future," Pope Francis

In October 2021, Pope Francis launched the Synod of Bishops 2021-2023 Synod of Bishops, which has the theme: "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission". He invites the entire Church to reflect on this theme for the Synod that is decisive for the Church’s life and mission: "It is precisely this path of synodality (walking together) which God expects of the Church of the third millennium. Synodality starts with hearing from the whole People of God. A Church that teaches must be firstly a Church that listens."

Pope Francis says: “We must not create another Church, we must make this Church different. This is the challenge, for a different Church open to new elements. Let us invoke the Holy Spirit, let us listen to Him, walking together.”

This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s "renewal" proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through her experience which processes can help her to live communion, to achieve participation, to open herself to mission.

"This is what we are called to: unity, communion, and the fraternity born of the realisation that all of us are embraced by the one love of God. The Synod offers us the opportunity to become a listening Church and a Church of closeness." (Pope Francis)

Each Diocese has now received the responses from people and groups in our communities who submitted them via the national online portal. Each Diocese has now completed a Diocesan Synthesis based on the submissions received. These have now been tabled at the recent May gathering of the Australian Catholic Bishops. Further discussion and discernment with the Bishops will be taking place in the weeks ahead, prior to the preparation of a Continental /Australian Synthesis which is to be sent to the Synod of Bishops Secretariat. The syntheses from every continent and region will form the basis for the preparation of the Instrumentum laboris (working document) which will support the prayer, discernment and discussion during the Synod of Bishops in the Vatican in October 2023.
The Synthesis reflects the thoughts and insights of those who joined in group discussions or who submitted individual responses. Our Diocesan Synthesis has been published.

Care for Creation

“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”  Pope Francis, Laudato-si 
“The Season of Creation” is celebrated from the 1st of September (the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) and ends on the 4th of October ( the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi). The Season of Creation theme focuses on the fact that the Earth belongs to God, and each beloved creature belongs to this common home (Psalm 24:1).

World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Stories from our own parishioners at St Patrick's Parish Pakenham.

St Patrick’s Parish, Pakenham, is committed to the care, wellbeing and
protection of children, young people and people at risk in our community. We uphold that
child protection and the dignity of every person is the responsibility of every adult.

Shalom World TV Network is a 24/7, family-friendly Catholic TV channel and is the recipient of the Gabriel Award for “Best TV Station of the Year 2020”. Instituted by the Catholic Press Association of North America, it is a commercial-free, high-definition network appealing to young and young-at-heart viewers. Shalom World is an official partner with the Vatican and is authorised to telecast Papal liturgies and visits live. This channel is designed exclusively for Youth programs, Series, Catholic news, Movies, Music, Children’s cartoon and Catholic teachings. 

The prayer of the Church in difficult times

The Church in Communion: A Sure Support in Time of Trial