Form 5- Awareness of Safeguarding Risks in Children Ministries



·      All Parishioners are encouraged to read the Parish Professional Standards Document covering all aspects of the Parish’s role and responsibilities regarding the care and safety of children and adults at risk.  Also, all who register their WWCC with the Parish, and are eligible for volunteering in the Parish, are required to complete the Parish Obligation concerning safeguarding. (Form 4)

·      All volunteers in a child-related ministry require a current WWCC linked to the Parish and authorised by the Parish Safeguarding Officer.

·      This document seeks to highlight an awareness of the risks, when ministries, events or activities that involve children are conducted. 

Good Practice at the Start of an Event.

·      Make a check of the physical environment to ensure that conditions are suitable for the event or activity and that no changes have occurred that require attention.

·      The ground rules should be clearly stated.  A description of the activities to be undertaken, any limitations on movement and the use of toilet facilities should be covered.  Introduction of volunteers and a description of their roles should be included especially who should be approached if assistance is required.

·      Care in the selection of volunteers in the recruitment, screening and ongoing professional learning of volunteers.

·      Debriefing at the end of the event so that improvements can be undertaken.


·      Clearly, leaders and coordinators exercise a duty of care on behalf of the Parish; 

o    to create an environment for children to be safe and to feel safe. 

o    to model and promote good models of behaviour, and

o    to treat children with dignity and respect

Physical Environment.

·      The physical environment should be free of all dangers. 

o    Care should be taken if lighted candles, hot drinks or breakable objects are involved.

o   Cupboards should preferably be secured and if accessible, free of detergents and poisonous liquids.

o   Chairs in stacks greater than three should be avoided.

o   Physical activity close to windows should be controlled.


·      Use of the toilets unsupervised always presents risks, especially of young children.

o   Preschool children should be accompanied to the toilets by their parents or by a volunteer adult.


·      Unauthorised and non-consensual taking of photos or videos, as well as posting them on Social Media could violate current legal regulations.  Some families, value their privacy while for others, an AVO could endanger their family.  Group photos can be arranged as long as parents are consulted and have an option for their children to opt-out.

Two Adult Rule

·      Volunteers must be adults; wherever practical, no fewer than two volunteers (preferably not related) should always be present in any face-to-face contact.

·      If you are taking a child home at the end of an activity, ensure that a parent/guardian has given prior consent (whether verbal or written) and that, as a rule, you are not alone with the child. 

Key Behavioural Issues

·      Take care not to form inappropriate relationships including contact online via social media.

·      The provision of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs to a child is unacceptable,

·      It is not appropriate to smoke or be under the influence while in the presence of children.

·      As with any unlawful behaviour, any illegal activities conducted over the internet or using a computer should be reported to the appropriate authority.

·      Do not touch the child inappropriately or unnecessarily.

·      Corporal punishment is never acceptable.

·      Favouritism to any particular child; for instance, through gifts or continually showing greater attention than is given to others should not occur. 

·      Do not swear or use offensive language. 

·      Avoid behaving or speaking in a manner that may embarrass or humiliate anyone.

I confirm that I am aware of the safeguarding risks when children are involved in Parish activities and events. I acknowledge that that St Patrick’s Parish expects me to uphold the published standards of behaviour described in the Parish Professional Standards for Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk. I also understand that any breach of these standards may affect my continued engagement with St Patrick’s Parish, Pakenham.