Form 3- Use of Parish Kitchen Facilities

Use of Parish Kitchen Facilities

1.          Importance In general, the welcome room and meeting room are intended for meeting and small liturgy groups while the Central Kitchen is intended for use by major functions and Paddy’s Kitchen ministry.

2.          Children.  Parishioners are responsible for ensuring that children are always supervised and are not permitted to use the kitchen facilities in the Welcome Room or Meeting Room and are not permitted access into the Central Kitchen.

3.          Use of the Central Kitchen. The Central Kitchen is a truly unique and valuable facility in the Parish and allows parish functions to be catered commercially.  As such, certain rules must apply to ensure safe and reliable operation.

a.     Switch on ceiling lights and exhaust fan (near the dishwasher) and the water heater above the sinks before using the kitchen and switch off when completed.

b.     Take care when opening and especially when closing the shutters into the Community Hall as the shutters require a cleared bench top.

c.     To use the Gas Stove and/or the ovens please follow the displayed instructions. Take care of the naked flame and make sure any spillage on the stove top or in the over is cleaned as soon as possible so that further use does not make the spillage impossible to clean,

d.     The Pantry contains pots and pans for use in the preparation or heating of foodstuffs.  Please make sure that their use is fit for service and appropriate.  All pots and pans must be cleaned, dried and replaced in the panty after use.

e.     A satchel of knives is also available for use in the preparation of foodstuffs. Special care should be taken in the use of the knives and the satchel should be securely wrapped and placed on a high shelf in the Pantry.

f.      Cutlery, crockery and utensils are housed in labelled drawers and cupboards.  After use make sure that items are washed clean and dried before replacing in their correct drawers or cupboards.

g.     Please follow the displayed dishwasher operating instructions and remember the dishwasher is merely a ‘sanitiser’ and is not intended to handle food residues. Pots and pans must be washed in the basins and not in the dishwasher. Plates with food residues should be rinsed before washing in the dishwasher.

h.     Fridges and freezer are substantial items in the kitchen and need to be treated with care so that they remain fit-for-service. The Freezer is especially sensitive to conditions an care must be taken to ensure the doors are closed firmly.

i.       Foodstuffs in the Pantry are for use by Paddy’s Kitchen volunteers and are not available for general parish use.  Foodstuffs in the Fridges are used by staff. Donation of desserts to Paddy’s Kitchen should be clearly marked.

j.      All users of the Central Kitchen should be familiar with use of the first aid kit and fire retarding blanket housed on the wall near the entrance from the Community Hall.

4.          Tea and Coffee.  While the use of the tea and coffee-making facilities is a benefit offered to meeting attendees or gatherings, the expectation is that facilities be left in a clean and tidy condition with all items used washed and returned to drawers.

I confirm that I have read the above instructions and accept to be complied with.