Welcome to St Patrick's

If you are a visitor or parishioner, please feel free to contact our friendly pastoral workers or parish priests. We hope that through your experience with our community spirit, it will encourage you to be drawn into God’s love through active engagement in our parish.
Mission Statement
We, the people of St Patrick’s Parish Pakenham are part of the People of God, the Church. As Catholics we are called by God, and baptized in Christ. We strive to be a community centred on Jesus Christ, to come closer to God in prayer, and to each other, in the faith that unites us.

Irish Catholic families were among the pioneer families that opened up the land east of Melbourne in the late 1830’s and early 1840’s.
The earliest of these were the Connors on Cardinia Creek (1838), the Nevilles and Bourkes at Pakenham, the Dores at Nar Nar Goon, the Mulcahys and Hennessys near Pakenham. Strong in faith they travelled into St Francis Church in Melbourne for Masses, Baptisms and the occasional Marriage.
Fr. Geoghan, the pioneer priest returned their visits and stayed overnight in their homes of wattle and daub nestled in the bush. By the early 1850’s the Catholics of the area had organized a school under the direction of Daniel Ahearn on Toomuc Creek.
In the 1850’s the parish of Heidelberg was created. The French priest Fr Bourgeois had charge of the whole of the outer district, south and east of Melbourne and all the way to the NSW border. This included Pakenham. Pakenham subsequently became part of the parish of Brighton when it was cut off from Heidelberg parish.
In the 1850’s the parish of Heidelberg was created. The French priest Fr Bourgeois had charge of the whole of the outer district, south and east of Melbourne and all the way to the NSW border. This included Pakenham. Pakenham subsequently became part of the parish of Brighton when it was cut off from Heidelberg parish.